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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

To Those Visiting Shirogane Blue Pond"


  • For Visitors to Shirogane Blue Pond Regardless of the weather, there has been congestion from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM since the beginning of this month. Depending on the time and weather, you may have to wait for at least 30 minutes to over an hour. For congestion camera information: https://biei-konzatsu.jp/ If you see a “△” icon, it indicates a high probability of traffic congestion. Both weekdays and weekends, the route to Shirogane Blue Pond is expected to be very crowded until the Obon holiday.
  • For Those Planning to Visit Biei Shirogane Onsen on Weekends or Holidays We recommend considering alternative routes or visiting Shirogane Blue Pond early in the morning the following day.Photo Captions:
    • July 9, 2024 (Wednesday), 11:00 AM – Shirogane Blue Pond (Above)
    • Route to Shirogane Blue Pond, around 3:00 PM (Congestion) (Below)