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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

Access to Blue Pond Parking Lot


We have an important notice regarding access to the Blue Pond Parking Lot.

Due to the installation of lane separation markers on the town road “Mibougaoka Biruke Line” in front of the Blue Pond Parking Lot entrance, right turns into the parking lot from the nearby intersection will no longer be possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. When visiting the Blue Pond Parking Lot, please use the following route:

Please proceed on Route 116 (Tokachidake Onsen Biei Line), turn left at the intersection near “Kaika-yaki,” and continue on Mibougaoka Biruke Line, then turn left to enter the Blue Pond Parking Lot.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.