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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

A special talk and exhibition by ceramic artist Seigo Minami, titled 'Listening to the Voice of the Clay,' will be held on August 12 (Monday, public holiday).


“A special talk and exhibition by ceramic artist Seigo Minami, titled ‘Listening to the Voice of the Clay,’ will be held on August 12 (Monday, public holiday) 🎨✨.

This is a rare opportunity to experience the unique world of Minami, who has created pieces for official presentations.

🗓Date and Time: August 12, 2024 (Monday, public holiday)

Doors open: 9:00 AM Event starts: 10:00 AM

📍Location: Biei Town Civic Center, 3rd Floor, Large Conference Room (2-3-13 Kotobuki-cho, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun)

🎟Admission is free

For more details, visit Kaiku Kiln: https://kaikukiln.com/