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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

Blooming status in September


Before we knew it, August has flown by, and now it’s already September.

As the clouds shift to autumn skies, you can still enjoy beautiful flowers blooming at the sightseeing spots.

On clear days, you can take in the stunning view with the Tokachi Mountain Range and Mount Asahi as the backdrop♪

When visiting, be sure to dress in layers, as there’s a big difference in temperatures between morning and evening.


For past articles on Shikisai-no-Oka, click here▽


For past articles on Zerubu-no-Oka, click here▽

(Shikisai-no-Oka and the Tokachidake Mountain Range on Sep. 1st)

(Zerubu-no-Oka and Mount Asahi on Sep. 2nd)