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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

The long weekend is here! Prioritize safety and have a wonderful time.


Parking lots at popular spots like Shirogane Blue Pond, Shirahige Waterfall, Tokachidake Observatory, Shikisai-no-Oka, Hokusei-no-Oka, and Zerubu-no-Oka are expected to be crowded. Please allow plenty of time for your visit.

Prioritize safety and have a wonderful time! 🚗✨

Additionally, the autumn foliage in the Tokachidake Onsen and Biei Shirogane Onsen areas is expected to reach its peak between late September and early October.

Today’s photos of Tokachidake Observatory and Shirahige Waterfall – Taken on September 13, 2024.