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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

Café & Restaurant Birch

Beef stew, sweet bean paste toast, pudding, and many more items on the menu are popular.

Address Misawa Bisei, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido
Access 15 min. by car from JR Biei Station
Parking Available (free)
Opening period Throughout the year
Opening hours Summer (May–end of Oct.) (Closed on Wed.)
11:00–17:00(last order)

Winter (Nov.–end of Apr.) (Closed on Wed. & Thurs.)
11:00–16:00(last order)
Closed Summer (May (Golden Week)–end of Oct.) Wednesday /Winter (beginning of Nov.–end of Apr.) Wed. & Thurs. 
TEL +81-166-92-1120
Website http://birch.hokkaido.jp/
Fee Beef stew (+ freshly baked bread and salad) \1,500 Bread is baked to order.
Only 30 servings made each day.
Shrimp and vegetable green curry (+ salad) \1,250  A little spicy but once you eat it you’ll crave for more!
Other foods, drinks and a dessert menu available

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