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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

Set fried-shrimp and cutlets meals. Freshly fried, piping hot, plump shrimps are highly recommended!

Address Motomachi 4-chome, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido
Access 8-min. walk from Biei Station
Parking Available (free)
Opening period Throughout the year
Opening hours 11:00~15:00(品切れ時閉店)
夜 要問合せ
Closed Monday 
TEL +81-166-92-1028
Website http://biei-junpei.com/


Fee Ebi-don (bowl of rice topped with shrimps) \1,100 Many other dishes available from the menu
Others FREE WIFI Available

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