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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors


北海道美瑛町で 美瑛ブルーに染まる 透き通った大地で美しい藍を育む、藍染結の杜。 自然と共に生きる美瑛町の風景に寄り添った ​ものづくり、場づくりを目指します。

We produce indigo and dye in the rich natural environment of Biei Hokkaido. Indigo dyeing experience is for all ages, including beginners and children. Come and enjoy this amazing and unforgettable experience with us.

The store sells original indigo dyed products and Japanese hand towels 'tenugui'. It also has a café with free wifi on the second floor.
In the café space, you can enjoy a special menu including indigo tea, sweets made with indigo, and ice cream made from Biei milk.

Address Takushin Biei Kamikawa Hokkaido
Access From JR Biei Station : 15 mins by car / 40 mins by bicycle
From Asahikawa airport : 30 mins by car
From JR Asahikawa Station : 45 mins by car
Parking available(80 spaces/free)
Opening period All year round
Opening hours 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed 不定休
TEL +81-166-74-8855
E-mail ai@hanten.co.jp
Website https://www.biei.blue/


Fee Indigo-Dyeing Experience Course
【Limited to 3 groups per day】

Items available at our store
 ●Pouch・・・2,200 yen
 ●Japanese towel 'tenugui'・・・3,300 yen
 ●T-shirt(short-sleeved)・・・6,600 yen
 ●T-shirt(long-sleeved)・・・7,700 yen

【Materials that can brought in】
Cotton, linen, silk, rayon
 *Dyeing is available for clothing and accessories made of the above materials.

For details and reservations,
please fill and submit the reservation form on our homepage.

*If you wish to participate in a group of  4 or more people, please contact us using the inquiry form on our homepage.

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