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観光客の皆様へのおねがい A request to all visitors

This is a message for you maybe dreaming to spend lunch time like picnic in a middle of huge hill side

Would you mind visiting our hill café, “Kitchen hitosaji”, in exactly middle of a wheat field?

We relish in breeze from soil and the sun every day.
So, we cannot be like gourmet restaurant in big cities.
But, our hospitality “OMOTENASHI” has already began with sowing of seed in our field.

It becomes more fragrant the more you dream on the hill.
And more time and work we put into it, the become more tasty, and makes you happier.

It’s a spoonful of magic.
It's fine if we have soup and bread.
Today is a moody day.
In such a case, are we always in the mountain kitchen.

Address Okubo-Kyousei Biei Kamikawa-gun Hokkaido
Access 5 min by car from JR Biei station
In front of Hokusei-no-oka View Park
Parking Please use the parking at Hokusei-no-oka View Park.
Opening hours 12:00~15:00(L.O.14:30)
Closed Monday-Thursday ※Could be closed irregularly during farming season and winter.
TEL +81-166-74-8307
Website http://www.cafebiei.com/


Fee ■メニュー
Others 2024年7月5日(金)よりOPEN

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