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青い池見学に、楽しいお土産や、温かい飲み物等を提供してくれた「青い池売店」。夏季営業は、月末10/31日で終了します。 ご来店下さった沢山の皆様への感謝と共に、残り僅かになったお店への皆さまのご来店も、スタッフ一同お待ちしています。 FBより▽https://t.co/VerXUgdYQX?amp=1




AntaaLab is a place that connects people who wish to hand over their furniture and tools that they have cherished for a long time to someone who will take good care of them, rather than simply throwing them away, with people who love old, historic, and time-worn objects and people who have a sense o



Cafe uphill BIEI




pâtisserie Toriko

It is a small confectionery shop run by a pastry chef owner from Biei Town alone.The popular canele is recommended today.Why don't you take it in the car to your destination, in a place with a good view, or have a leisurely meal at the inn?There are also whole cakes (reservation required) to celebra



Atelier Dream

We sell knitted accessories, handmade works, accessories, postcards, miscellaneous goods, etc.We are also planning workshops such as knitting classes so that everyone can enjoy them.We hope that you will feel comfortable visiting and feel such a healing space where you can take a break.



Glass Crafts D’arte

Glass Craft



Colourful Cherry Tomato Tasting and a Secret Photogenic Hill!

Did you know that tomatoes are not just red and yellow? There are actually many different varieties!There's ones with trendy names, like "Carol" or "Sun Garnet", and there's the "Tomato Berry Opera" which is exactly the same shape as a strawberry... and so on and so forth!The farmer cooperating with



Kannno Farm

Flower fields spread out on a hill along Highway 237.This flower farm is located on a hill on the border between Kamifurano Town and Biei Town. In addition to lavender, dozens of other types of flowers are cultivated here.Admission is free and anyone is welcome to take a stroll.Lavender goods and cr



Gallery Atelier Pot-Pourri

Welcome to Gallery Atelier Pot-Pourri. We usecorn husk to create a handmade doll. Join usto enjoy the world of fairy tales while makinga corn husk doll. Lesson will be hold anytime.Please contact us for joining the lesson. Reservations required between Nov. to Apr.



Zerubu-no-Oka (Flower Park)

Located on Route 237,this park is filled with lavender,poppies,and sunflower in full bloom during the summer months.




ぜるぶの丘でもコキアなどの苗を植え始めています。今から一面色鮮やかに広がるお花畑が待ち遠しいですね。レストランではお土産や、ドリンク、ソフトクリームなどのテイクアウト商品なども販売中!ドライブにお越しの際はぜひ☆営業時間 8:30~17:006/14まで火曜日定休日https://www.instagram.com/zelbhill/ (5/21撮影 ぜるぶの丘)



Sweetcorn – The Flavour of Summer

美瑛の夏の味覚といえば・・・やっぱり?!このふさふさの頭がついている緑の農作物はなんだろう?こちらは美瑛町の主な農作物のひとつ、とうもろこしです!北海道の人たちは「とうきび」とも呼びます。 いつ頃、美瑛にとうもろこしがやってきたの?とうもろこしは16世紀にポルトガル人によってアメリカ大陸から運ばれ、日本で本格的に栽培されるようになったのは明治時代に入ってからと言われています。昔は飼料用として栽培されていましたが、明治時代(19世紀後半)に入り、人々の食糧として作られるようになりました。今では日本全土に広まるとうもろこしですが、本格的に栽培されるまでに大きな役割を果たしたのが北海道の大



Hayatsuma Store



Furusato market (Biei vegetable market)

Freshly harvested, delicious food grown in the hills.We are committed to producing traditional Biei agricultural products and livestock products, and processed products made from these products.We are also engaged in the cultivation of new agricultural products with safety and secure as our top prio



Maruhachi Satou Store

This is a newly opened store in front of JR Bibaushi station. Compared to the previous Sato Shoten, we have fewer items, but we do have an eat-in space.We look forward to having you drop by for a quick visit on your way home from a walk or meeting.



Maruhachi Satou Store

This is a newly opened store in front of JR Bibaushi station.Compared to the previous Sato Shoten, we have fewer items, but we do have an eat-in space.We look forward to having you drop by for a quick visit on your way home from a walk or meeting.



Takushinkan (Photo Gallery)

Opened in 1987,this photo displays works by the world famous landscape photographer Shinzo Maeda.



Biei Tourism Association(In shiki-no-Jouhoukan)

A tourist center provides all the latest tourist information on "Hill Town Biei," and map in English, Chinese and Korean are available here. We also operate tourist bus, 'Biei View Bus', which is a bus that goes around tourist spots. Its ticket is sell at our service counter. Coin lockers and rest a



Shikisai-no-Oka Flower Park

Come twice or more in summer and winter.During the summer green season, enjoy colorful flower fields and magnificent views.And during the winter winter season, enjoy the exciting activities on the snowy hills.



Fruits of the Earth

美瑛の名産品といえば、ジャガイモ! 北海道は、日本で1番のジャガイモ産地です。ここ美瑛もジャガイモの一大産地で、町の歴史と同じぐらいジャガイモ作りの歴史も長いです。もし美瑛町民に「美瑛らしい農作物と言えば?」と質問したら、多くの人が「ジャガイモ」と答えると思います!  実際、美瑛町は常にジャガイモ生産量で全国20位以内に入っているそうです。さらに、大手スナック菓子メーカーと契約している農家さんもたくさんいらっしゃいます。もしかしたら、皆さんが食べているポテトチップスも、美瑛産のジャガイモかもしれませんね! ジャガイモは、豆・小麦・ビート(甜菜)と共に、輪
