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観光客の皆様へのおねがい 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다

The 15th Photo Contest by hilly town BIei



Why not share your emotion with other people through your photographies of this hilly town Biei !

We will start to host the Fifteenth Photo Contest under the theme of “Hilly Town BIei” from Nov. 1 to Dec. 25.

With this contest, we have one thing to ask you all to enjoy and take photos here.

What is,…..

Once you step into the snow, vegetable, or flower field, some other people can be following you. And then, more and more pople could follow them.

Eventhough the ground covered with lots of snow, there are many crops such as wheat under that, and will be hurt if when someone step on them.

Please imagine and share what the owner is feeling with it.

We hope all the people visit here in Biei enjoy this beautiful landdscape keeping good manner to take them over to the next generation.

We are looking forward to seeing your lovely photos taken here in Biei.

▽About how to entry to this contest and application form▽