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観光客の皆様へのおねがい 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다

"시로가네 아오이케 주차장 입구에 차선 분리봉 설치"


“Lane dividers have been installed on the town road ‘Mibōgahara Birke Line’ in front of the Blue Pond parking lot entrance.

Please proceed on Route 966, Tokachidake Onsen Biei Line, turn left at the intersection near Minokawa Kiln, travel along the town road Mibōgahara Birke Line, and then turn left to enter the Blue Pond parking lot. Also, when coming from Biei Shirogane Onsen towards Shirogane Blue Pond, please note that you will need to turn right at the intersection near 皆空窯.