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観光客の皆様へのおねがい 관관객여러분께부탁드립니다

상세 검색


Scenic Hills Snowshoeing - Explore a majestic winter wonderland

During the green season in Biei, you can see colorful patchwork hills which attract many tourists from around the world.However, when is the best season to see Biei's beautiful scenery?Fresh air, clear blue sky, and a winter wonderland of snow…This tour is the best way to explore the stunning landsc

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Forest Snowshoeing - White Birch & Blue River Course

This is a snowshoeing experience in a forest of snow-covered Christmas trees.The bamboo grass will be buried under the snow, so you don't need to worry about getting stuck and can stroll freely.You'll be addicted to the feel of the powdery snow as it floats around in the air!And unlike skiing, you d

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Forest Snowshoeing - Grand Forest & Snow Plain Course

This is a snowshoeing experience in a forest of giant trees and a magnificent snow plain.The bamboo grass will be buried under the snow, so you don't need to worry about getting stuck and can stroll freely.You'll be addicted to the feel of the powdery snow as it floats around in the air!And unlike s

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Airboarding in Biei

An Air Board - the latest winter sports trend.Hop onto the inflated Air Board on your stomach, and slide head-first down a slope.Once you experience the thrill and speed of skidding down a snowy surface, you will be hooked!Wouldn't you also like to be a part of the latest winter sports trend?

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사이클링 투어/스노슈 투어 비에이 가이드

봄부터 가을에 걸쳐, 전동 자전거로 절경을 감상하며 언덕 주변을 여유롭게 자전거 여행을 할 수 있습니다.겨울에는 푹신푹신한 눈 속을 여유롭게 산책하며 스노슈 투어를 즐겨보세요.관광 명소와는 조금 다른 현지 가이드가 당신이 아는 비밀의 명승지로 안내합니다. 홋카이도의 자연과 비에이초의 아름다운 경치를 마음껏 즐길 수 있는 인기 투어입니다.

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スノーシューツアー/Earth Connect 鈴木義博


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写真ギャラリー 栃木館

사진 갤러리 토치기칸 (栃木館)

사진 작가 쿠로카와 마사시 씨가 촬영 포인트 등 세미나를 개최합니다.

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후레아이칸 라부니루 (ふれあい館ラヴニール)

비에이산 밀을 사용한 빵 만들기 등 비에이 언덕을 대표하는 농작물의 가공을 직접 체험 할수있는 시설입니다. [메뉴 : 빵, 우동, 버터, 아이스크림, 감자떡 등]현재、시도인부족으로 、체험사업은 중지중입니다。

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