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観光客の皆様へのおねがい 向各位旅客的請求

Biei Winter Illumination


★Shirogane Blue Pond Winter Illumination (November 1st, 2020~) 

Lighting design around the Blue Pond changes gradually as the night proceeds. The subtle changes of dim lighting might sometimes be difficult to perceive with bare eyes. However, with a camera, even the slightest change can be captured. 

Lighting suited for smart phone photography is also included in the design, especially for pictures with the Blue Pond as a backdrop. 

*For visitors with tripods, please make sure to leave enough room for other visitors, as the path around the pond can get crowded during certain times of the day. 

*Please observe social distancing rules while enjoying the illumination. 


*The road from the parking lot to the footpath around the Blue Pond is quite dark and slippery at night. Please watch your step, and keep a mini-flashlight or a smartphone flashlight at hand.


Blue Pond Illumination (November 1, 2020 ~ April 30, 2021)

November 1 ~ December 31, 2020  4:30~9:00pm

January 1 ~ 31, 2021  5:00~9:00pm

February 1 ~ 28, 2021  5:30~9:00pm 

March 1~31, 2021  6:00~9:00pm

April 1~30, 2021  6:30~9:00pm

※Illumination may be cancelled due to extreme weather condition. Please check the Biei Town homepage or our Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.

□Shirogane Blue Pond

Address/Shirogane, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido

Parking/ Available (Flat rate: 500yen per standard-sized car)

From Biei Tourism Association (tourist information center):

Our popular winter Biei View Bus tour is available this season from November, 2020 through Feburary, 2021! This tour covers the Blue Pond Illumination and Shirahige Waterfall Illumination, etc. 

(Each traveler is assigned to two seats on the bus, to ensure a safe, socially-distanced space throughout the tour)

Biei View Bus pamphlet is available for download here

We look forward to seeing you in Biei! 


Shirahige Waterfall

【every evening from November 1, 2019~】


April 1 ~ October 31,2020  6:00~9:00pm

November 1 ~ December 31, 2020  4:30~9:00pm

January 1 ~ 31, 2021  5:00~9:00pm

February 1 ~ 28, 2021  5:30~9:00pm 

March 1~31, 2021  6:00~9:00pm

April 1~30, 2021  6:30~9:00pm

※Illumination may be cancelled due to extreme weather condition. Please check the Biei Town homepage or our Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.